Thursday, May 1, 2014

Local Newspaper Article

This morning I experienced one of the coolest things...I opened an app on my phone, the app for the local newspaper, Lancaster Online, and my baby's face was on the menu!


There he is! My beautiful Isaiah with his unbreakable spirit!  The article was in this morning's paper in the Lifestyle section and it is awesome!

Haven't read it yet? Here's the link...

We're very proud and happy to be spreading awareness of OI.  Wishbone Day is coming! It's less than a week away.  Do you have your yellow?!?
I was also highly entertained by Carl's cameo and mention in the article.  We love our Carl Marl!

We're very grateful to both MaryBeth, the writer of Isaiah's article, and Jeff, the photographer.  They did a wonderful job!

Jeff totally took this fantastic photo of Carl Marl!  How many people have professional pictures of their cat?

Isaiah is a bit under the weather today.  He developed a fever, was a touch grumpy, and had an ugly rash on his neck (I'll spare you that picture).  We got in to his doctor's office and they confirmed the fever (101.2), recommended hydrocortisone cream for the rash (likely from the tape used this week to cover the access of Isaiah's port), and saw he has a double ear infection! Poor baby.  I'm at a loss because I thought the tubes would help avoid that...but oh well, bring on the antibiotic and make our baby feel better!

If you're visiting us because you saw our blog's address in the paper today, welcome! Be sure to check out the tabs at the top of our blog to catch up on the many happenings of Isaiah.  I'm hoping to update you on the status of Isaiah's helmet and the results of his sleep study (yup, we already heard the results.  whomp whomp) tomorrow, but that update honestly depends on him.  I got zero accomplished today as I was busy taking care of my sick love bug, and I predict a lot of cuddling and focus on Isaiah tomorrow.  If you believe in the power of prayer, please pray for fast healing for Isaiah. <3

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