Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

I know it's a day early, but tomorrow will be full of shoveling and digging out of a pre-Thanksgiving snowstorm time with family and I wanted to be sure to post in honor of Thanksgiving.

After all, we have so much to be thankful for!

Like this guy.  He has come a LOOOOONG way in a year.

And although he has grown before our eyes....he does somehow still fit in last year's Thanksgiving outfit and I just had to put him back in it (even if it does say "My 1st Thanksgiving".) while even grabbing those old rolled blankets and support pillows just for the fun of it.  If you are going to recreate an event, you might as well go all in.

Some things have changed.  No more rolled sleeves! And an added post it that says "2nd".  Ha.

No more tape.  No more feeding tube.  (This guy will be tasting turkey for the first time!)  That other tube that goes into his nose and that wire on his foot?  He only wears them at night now.  Holy progress!

He has just been so cuddly...this week and we're so grateful.  For every day.  Every smile.  Every milestone.

Happy Thanksgiving readers, followers, friends, and family.  I hope you enjoy copious amounts of food and are surrounded by those you love.  We'll catch you in a week.  We are going to be spending Thanksgiving with family (weather permitting), decorating for Christmas, and making memories.  (I am sure I'll be posting to Isaiah's Facebook page.)


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